See Interview Tips

Interview Tips

• Way of Answering
• The Basic Things
• Etiquette that you should have
• Mistakes That Cost People Jobs
• Interview Preparation
• Through Interview Process
• Interview Questions
• Resume Preparation
Top Ten Interview Tips -Note it

The Interview
Interview is an opportunity for both the employer and the applicant to gather information. The employer wants to know if you, the applicant, have the skills, knowledge, self-confidence, and motivation necessary for the job. At this point you can be confident that the employer saw something of interest in your resume. He or she also wants to determine whether or not you will fit in with the organization's current employees and philosophy. Similarly, you will want to evaluate the position and the organization, and determine if they will fit into your career plans. The interview is a two-way exchange of information. It is an opportunity for both parties to market themselves. The employer is selling the organization to you, and you are marketing your skills, knowledge, and personality to the employer.
Interview Preparation
Research is a critical part of preparing for an interview. If you haven't done your homework, it is going to be obvious. Spend time researching and thinking about yourself, the occupation, the organization, and questions you might ask at the end of the interview.
Step 1: Know Yourself
The first step in preparing for an interview is to do a thorough self-assessment so that you will know what you have to offer an employer. It is very important to develop a complete inventory of skills, experience, and personal attributes that you can use to market yourself to employers at any time during the interview process. In developing this inventory, it is easiest to start with experience. Once you have a detailed list of activities that you have done (past jobs, extra-curricular involvements, volunteer work, school projects, etc.), it is fairly easy to identify your skills.
Simply go through the list, and for each item ask yourself "What could I have learned by doing this?" "What skills did I develop?" "What issues/circumstances have I learned to deal with?" Keep in mind that skills fall into two categories - technical and generic. Technical skills are the skills required to do a specific job. For a laboratory assistant, technical skills might include knowledge of sterilization procedures, slide preparation, and scientific report writing. For an outreach worker, technical skills might include counselling skills, case management skills, or program design and evaluation skills
Generic skills are those which are transferable to many work settings. Following is a list of the ten most marketable skills. You will notice that they are all generic.
• Analytical/Problem Solving
• Flexibility/Versatility
• Interpersonal
• Oral/Written Communication
• Organization/Planning
• Time Management
• Motivation
• Leadership
• Self-Starter/Initiative
• Team Player
Often when people think of skills, they tend to think of those they have developed in the workplace. However, skills are developed in a variety of settings. If you have ever researched and written a paper for a course, you probably have written communication skills. Team sports or group projects are a good way to develop the skills required of a team player and leader. Don't overlook any abilities you may have
When doing the research on yourself, identifying your experience and skills is important, but it is not all that you need to know. Consider the answers to other questions such as:
• How have I demonstrated the skills required in this position?
• What are my strong points and weak points?
• What are my short term and long term goals?
• What can I offer this particular employer?
• What kind of environment do I like? (i.e. How do I like to be supervised? Do I like a fast pace?)
• What do I like doing?
• Apart from my skills and experience, what can I bring to this job?
Step 2: Know the Occupation
The second step in preparing for an interview is to research the occupation. This is necessary because in order to present a convincing argument that you have the experience and skills required for that occupation, you must first know what those requirements and duties are. With this information uncovered, you can then match the skills you have (using the complete skills/experience inventory you have just prepared) with the skills you know people in that occupational field need. The resulting "shortlist" will be the one that you need to emphasize during the interview.
It is also in your best interest to identify the approximate starting salary for that position, or those similar. There are several ways to find out about an occupation:
• Acquire a copy of the job description from the employer (Human
• Resources/Personnel) or check with Student Employment Services. If you are responding to an advertisement, this may also supply some details.
The Career Resource Centre has general information files on a variety of occupations. Make sure you have read through the appropriate file and are updated on the occupation. If you belong to a professional association related to the occupation, use its resources. These associations often publish informative newsletters and sponsor seminars. It is also a good way to meet people working in the field. Conduct information interviews with people working in the field. Read articles about people in the occupation, and articles written by people in the occupation. Sources include newspapers, magazines and the internet. Find out what the future trends are in the area. Is technology changing the job?
Step 3: Know the Organization
The more you know about an organization, the better prepared you will be to discuss how you can meet its needs. Some of the characteristics that you should know about an organization are:
• Where is it located?
• How big is it?
• What are its products and who does it serve?
• How is the organization structured?
• What is its history?
• Have there been any recent changes, new developments?
There are a number of ways in which you can access this information. Most medium- to large-sized organizations publish information about themselves. You can access this a number of ways:
• On campus at the Student Employment Services (company literature and business directories) or at the Drake Centre Library
• The Winnipeg Centennial Library has a business microfiche with information on over 5000 Canadian companies and business directories
• Many companies have internet home pages which you can locate by searching by industry and company name
• Finally, you can visit or phone the organization and request some information on their products, services or areas of research
If the organization is fairly small, or fairly new, there may not be much information published. In this case, it will be necessary to do an information interview. Contact someone within the organization, introduce yourself, explain that you are considering moving into the field, and ask if it would be possible to meet with him/her to inquire about the company/organization and about what exactly the position would involve.
Step 4: Prepare Questions
Having completed your background research, you are now ready to prepare questions to ask the
interviewer(s). Try to think of questions for which the answer was not readily available in company
literature. Intelligent well thought-out questions will demonstrate your genuine interest in the position. Be
careful how many questions you ask, however, as too many can imply you feel the interview was not
successfully run. Pick your questions with care - this is your chance to gather information, so ask about
what you really want to know. Avoid sounding critical by mentioning negative information you may have
discovered. This is one of the most effective ways to compare different employers, so for issues of
particular importance to you (for example, whether they support staff upgrading), you should ask the same
questions of each employer. Some sample questions are:
• What are the most significant factors affecting your business today? How have changes in technology most affected your business today?
• How has your business/industry been affected by the recession?
• How has your company grown or changed in the last couple of years?
• What future direction do you see the company taking?
• Where is the greatest demand for your services or product?
• Where is most of the pressure from increased business felt in this company?
• Which department feels it the most?
• How do you differ from your competitors?
• How much responsibility will I be given in this position?
• What do you like about working with this organization?
• Can you tell me more about the training program?
• Have any new product lines been introduced recently?
• How much travel is normally expected?
• What criteria will be used to evaluate my performance?
• Will I work independently or as part of a team?
• How did you advance to your position?
• What are the career paths available in this organization?
• When can I expect to hear from you regarding this position?
It is very important to ask the last question because employers want to hire individuals who are interested in the position - and asking this question definitely helps to demonstrate interest on your part. Exercise judgement when asking questions to an employer. When being interviewed by a large company that has a high profile, one would not ask the question
"What is the history of your company and how was your company started?" You can find the answer to this question in the company's annual report or articles in magazines/newspapers. However, small- and medium-sized companies do not always produce publicly available annual reports and it may be difficult to access information on the company and its role in the industry. This question is appropriate if you have exercised all other ways to find out the answer.

Personal interview
Tip 1 #
Self-awareness is of paramount importance. To be self-aware, you need to introspect on your qualities, good and bad, and what motivates your actions etc.

Tip 2 #
your friends and family know you well, so utilize their inputs to learn about yourself.

Tip 3 #
an important preparation tactic is to guess what kind of questions may be asked of you, given your particular profile, thinking of how you would respond to the same, and then guessing what further questions may be asked from your responses. Developing multiple lines of questioning from each answer will help you prepare for most of the eventualities. But this is best done with someone else helping you sound out your ideas, not in isolation.
Tip 4 #
writing down your responses to probable questions allows you to check how your ideas appear in black and white.
Tip 5 #
A serious simulated interview will go a long way in preparing you mentally for the actual one.
Tip 6 #
A very important point is to remember to photocopy the interview form and preserve the copy to recollect what exactly one had written in the form at the time of the interview.
Will they grill me ?
Students always get intimidated at the prospect of going through an interview. But that's not the way to look at the interview process. You should look on the interview positively, as an opportunity to present yourself to a complete stranger, rather than an ordeal.

How does one lead the interviewer ?
One leads the interviewer by ending a topic with a reference to the next topic you wish to take the panel to.
How do I deal with my nervousness ?
By preparing for the interview. The importance of preparation is paramount for success. 70-80% of questions can be prepared for.

What about the questions I have not prepared for ?
Not all questions can be anticipated, and some questions are asked to harangue the candidate a bit. You will have to think on your feet. Therefore, in these cases as well as throughout the interview, keeping an alert mind is necessary
How should I dress ?
Maintain at least a neat and clean appearance, and wear comfortable clothes. People generally do dress up formally for interviews.
How should my posture and body language be ?
Follow the general body language rules - Maintaining eye contact with the entire panel. Body language should be relaxed and yet formal.

If I don't know an answer, can I try and bluff my way through ?
Bluffing is to be strictly avoided because of the possible expertise of the panellist in that area. You can admit that you don't know the answer.
How do I answer the question "Tell me something about yourself" ?
This all-important question is to indirectly ascertain which areas to ask you questions on. This is a great chance to set a favourable tone for the entire interview. You should tell them things about yourself that reflect positively on you. Remember that there is no such thing as a universally right answer. What is right answer for you may not be a right answer for your neighbour. The answer that is right for you is the one that shows you in positive light.
How do I answer the questions "Should we select you? And why ?"
Never say 'No'. Don't sound over-confident and if pointed out, then accept the mistakes you committed during the interview, but in return point out all your strong points and how you would add to the learning process of the entire class through your experiences and background (if an uncommon one).
What is a stress interview? How does one behave in the same ?
A stress interview is said to be the one in which the panel deliberately acts hostile and tries to make the candidate uncomfortable. The panel wants to see your maturity, see how well you can handle stressful situations. The way you should tackle a stress interview is to keep your cool, answer questions as coolly as possible, without raising your voice, getting aggressive and confrontationist, and acting as reasonably as possible.

The Basic Things
In addition to doing research and practicing your answers to common interview questions, you should be aware of general interview etiquette. Remember the following points when preparing for an interview:
Review your resume, and make sure that you can explain everything on it. Arrive at the interview ten minutes early to give yourself an opportunity to collect your thoughts and relax. Be aware that many employers will have their receptionists record the time you came in. If you rush in at the last minute, an employer may have serious concerns about your ability to arrive on time for a normal day at work.
Get a good night's sleep before your interview. You will think more effectively in the interview if you are rested. Also, yawning will not impress anyone. Eat something before the interview. If you are worried about your stomach growling, you will not be able to concentrate on the questions.
Dress appropriately for the position that you are applying to. Try to dress like the people who work there would dress if they were representing their organization at some function. If you are unsure about what to wear, always err on the side of being too dressed up.
Make sure that you are clean, neat, and well-groomed. Interviewers do notice your appearance, and first impressions are critical in an interview situation.
Take a copy of your resume, transcript, references and perhaps a portfolio or work samples with you. Also take a pen and paper, as you may wan to record some important information.

Go for a mock exercise before the real talk at the job table
Hone your interview etiquette................ Churn the right mix of deportment, attitude and dressingskills for a great job talk !
Never make the big mistake of treating an interview lightly. It's not an impromptu thing where you depend on your improvisation skills. An interview requires careful thought and planning before you take it. Keeping in mind some basic attitudes and presentation techniques will help you sail through it with panache.
So if you thought that going for an interview just meant pulling your best suit out of the wardrobe and updating your resume, please think again. You are forgetting the other essentials: body language, basic etiquette and attitude.
Remember that you are actually selling an entire package and the packaging, in this case, is as relevant as the product inside. Ultimately you are presenting yourself as a valuable professional to a new job environment. And you can't do that without minding the basic interview etiquette to get you ahead of the rest of the pack.
An interview is the sum total of many parts. It's not just what you say but how you say it that matters equally. So it's good to brush up on more than just your training skills when you do go in for an interview.
How you dress for an interview is perhaps as relevant as the way you lay out your resume. Says Nina Kochar of Upgrade Management Services, an organisation which coaches' executives in the basic rules of corporate etiquette: "A person who is sloppy in appearance shows a sloppy personality, so you have to be decently dressed." Of course, decently dressed does not necessarily mean being dressed to the gills. In most cases, this would mean you would wear long sleeved shirts and a pair of formal trousers. In fact, Nina Kochar does not recommend suits, especially for younger people. "A lot of young people do not have the money to invest in suits, consequently, they wear ill-fitting or borrowed suits and that looks even worse. A tie, shirt and pant should do the trick for most junior level positions."
Most HR experts would also tell you to mind the accessories like ties, belts and shoes. To be sure, badly matched shoes and ties can have a jarring effect on an interviewer. Similarly, please avoid heavy jewellery or personal accessories as they would look incongruous on you.
Even though most of us are primed for the basic grilling that we would face during the interview, we seldom pay attention to the way we enter an interview room or how we introduce ourselves. Says Subhashish Mitra, deputy manager, Essar Cellphones: "A lot of people do not think it important to knock properly while entering the interview room. They assume that as an interview is taking place, the panel will be expecting them. To my mind this is a very major faux pas which really jars."
In fact, the best way to enter an interview is to knock, ask for permission to enter and then wait for a while before you actually sit down. Few interviewees know this but the interview panel needs a little quiet time to discuss the previous candidate before they get around to the next one. So your silence till you actually get seated would be very valuable. Try and keep a bag with you for all your papers and certificates; make sure this bag is an unobtrusive as possible.
This is a grey area for most interview candidates. While dressing up and resume writing are skills you can Go for a mock exercise before the real talk at the job table handle with a little practice, cultivating the right attitude as an interviewee requires a lot of patience and reading between the lines. The usual complaint of most interviewers is that few interviewees are able to stri perhaps the best thing you can do for getting your answer right. Most interviewers like to give a lead to the candidate in the way they ask the question, so it's entirely up to you to note facial expressions and the tone of the words.
Do you show your certificates immediately to the interview panel?
Not till you are asked actually. You might already have sent in your resume, so you shouldn't try and offload all your achievements and skills onto the panel till a turn in the interview leads to such a situation.
Try and take cues form the tonal variations, facial expressions and thrust of questions from the interview panel. That in itself will give you a clue as to where this interview is heading.
1. Family Background
2. Education
3. Experience
4. Stability
5. Initiative
6. General Ability
7. Interpersonal Skills
8. Confidence
9. Aptitude
10. Pleasant Looks
How one wished that an interview were a simple meeting of minds and hearts. Just one casual meeting where an employee's future gets sealed. Unfortunately, it's not something as pre-ordained as you would like it to be; it's a pre-meditated exercise which fetches you dividends only if your homework is done right.
Think about the following points. Do any of them apply to you?
Trying too hard to impress; bragging; acting aggressively.
Failing to emphasize the fact that you have related skills; discussing
experience using negative qualifiers (i.e. "I have a little experience...").
Body Language
It is easy to create a negative impression without even realizing that you
are doing it. Are you staring at your feet, or talking to the interviewer's
shoulder? Be aware of what your actions say about you.
Lack of Honesty
The slightest stretching of the truth may result in you being screened out.
Negative Attitude
The interview is not an opportunity for you to complain about your
current supervisor or co-workers (or even about 'little' things, such as
the weather).
Lack of Preparation
You have to know about the organization and the occupation. If you
don't, it will appear as though you are not interested in the position.
Lack of Enthusiasm
If you are not excited about the work at the interview, the employer will
not assume that your attitude will improve when hired.

Interview Questions
Type of Questions
Interviewers use five different types of questions - directive, non-directive, hypothetical, behavior descriptive, and stress. Being aware of the different types can help you in the preparation stage as you build your skills inventory. It may also help you focus in on exactly what is being asked and what the employer is looking for in specific questions.
Directive Questions
The interviewer determines the focus of your answer. The information that the interviewer wants is very clear. If you have completed the research on yourself, this type of question should be easy to answer.
Example: "What skills do you have that relate to this position?"
"I have very good communication and interpersonal skills that I have refined through several summer and part-time jobs working with the public. In addition, I am fluent in both English and French."
Non-Directive Questions
You determine the focus of your answer. The interviewer asks a general question and does not ask for specific information. The most common non-directive question is
"Tell me about yourself."
When answering the question, keep in mind that the employer is interested in knowing how your background and personality qualify you for the job. In your answer, you should cover four areas: your education, related experience, skills and abilities, and personal attributes. As you talk about these areas, relate them to the job you are seeking. Decide what your response will be before starting to speak, this helps to keep responses concise.
Example: " Tell me about yourself."
"I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, and have recently completed the course
in Volunteer Management through the Volunteer Center of Winnipeg. These have given me a strong background in many of the principles of human behavior and the recruitment, training, and supervision of volunteers. I have experience in working with young adults in a helping capacity, both through my position as a Peer Advisor at the University of Manitoba, and as a camp counselor at a camp for behaviorally troubled adolescents. Both of these positions involved individual counseling, facilitating discussion groups, and teaching young people about health issues - all of which relate directly to the services which I would be training volunteers to provide within your organization. In addition, I thoroughly enjoy working with young people, and can establish rapport with them easily."
Hypothetical or Scenario Questions
When asking a hypothetical question, the interviewer describes a situation, which you may encounter in the position and asks how you would react in a similar situation. This is a good way to test problem-solving abilities. When answering this type of question, try applying a simple problem solving model to it – gather information, evaluate the information, priories the information, seek advice, weigh the alternatives, make a decision, communicate the decision, monitor the results and modify if necessary.
Example: "Suppose you are working your first day in our laboratory, and a fire at a nearby work station breaks out. What would you do?"
"Before I start working in any laboratory, I always locate the emergency equipment, such as eye washes, fire blankets and alarms. I would also review the safety protocols. So in this situation, I would be aware of these. As soon as I noticed the fire, I would shut down my experiment and if the fire is significant, I would pull the firm alarm and help to evacuate the lab. In the case of very small flame, I would ask the staff member at the station what I could do to help, Which would vary with the type of substances involved.”
Behavior Descriptive or Behavioral Questions
This type of question is becoming increasingly popular in interview situations. It asks what you did in a particular situation rather than what you would do. Situations chosen usually follow the job description fairly closely. Some employers feel that examples of past performance will help them to predict future performance in similar situations. There is no right or wrong answer to this type of question, but keep in mind that you should relate the answer to the position. If you are interviewing for a research position, talk about a research project you completed.
Example: "Give me an example of a work situation in which you were proud of your performance."
"While working as a sales representative for XYZ Company for the summer, I called on Prospective clients and persuaded them of the ecological and economic benefits of Recycling. I also followed up on clients to ensure that they were satisfied with the service They received. This involved both telephone and in-person contacts. I increased sales 34% over the same period in the previous year."
When preparing for this type of questioning, it is crucial that you review the skills and qualities that the position would require and identify specific examples from your past which demonstrated those traits.
Stress Questions
Some questions will surprise you and possibly make you feel uncomfortable during an interview. For
Example:" Which do you prefer, fruits or vegetables?" There are many reasons why an interviewer might ask such questions. They may want to see how you react in difficult situations, or they may simply be trying to test your sense of humor. Such questions may directly challenge an opinion that you have just stated or say something negative about you or a reference. Sometimes they ask seemingly irrelevant questions such as,
"If you were an animal, what type of animal would you be?"
The best way to deal with this type of question is to recognize what is happening. The interviewer is trying to elicit a reaction from you. Stay calm, and do not become defensive. If humour comes naturally to you, you might try using it in your response, but it is important to respond to the question. What you say is not nearly as important as maintaining your composure.
Example: "Which do you like better, Lions or Tigers?"
"Oh, lions definitely. They appear so majestic and are very sociable. To be honest, I think that seeing The Lion King four times has probably contributed to this!"

Great interviews arise from careful groundwork. You can ace your next interview if you:
1. Enter into a state of relaxed concentration. This is the state from which great basketball players or Olympic skaters operate. You'll need to quiet the negative self chatter in your head through meditation or visualization prior to sitting down in the meeting. You'll focus on the present moment and will be less apt to experience lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt and self-condemnation.
2. Act spontaneous, but be well prepared. Be your authentic self, professional yet real. Engage in true conversation with your interviewer, resting on the preparation you did prior to coming to the meeting. Conduct several trial runs with another person simulating the interview before it actually occurs. It's the same as anticipating the questions you'll be asked on a final exam.
3. Set goals for the interview. It is your job to leave the meeting feeling secure that the interviewer knows as much as he or she possibly can about your skills, abilities, experience and achievements. If you sense there are misconceptions, clear them up before leaving. If the interviewer doesn't get around to asking you important questions, pose them yourself (diplomatically) and answer them. Don't leave the meeting without getting your own questions answered so that you have a clear idea of what you would be getting yourself into. If possible, try to get further interviews, especially with other key players.
4. Know the question behind the question. Ultimately, every question boils down to, "Why should we hire you?" Be sure you answer that completely. If there is a question about your meeting deadlines, consider whether the interviewer is probing delicately about your personal life, careful not to ask you whether your family responsibilities will interfere with your work. Find away to address fears if you sense they are present.
5. Follow up with an effective "thank you" letter. Don't write this letter lightly. It is another opportunity to market yourself. Find some areas discussed in the meeting and expand upon them in your letter. Writing a letter after a meeting is a very minimum. Standing out among the other candidates will occur if you thoughtfully consider this follow up letter as an additional interview in which you get to do all the talking. Propose useful ideas that demonstrate your added value to the team.
6. Consider the interviewer's agenda. Much is on the shoulders of the interviewer. He or she has the responsibility of hiring the right candidate. Your ability to do the job will need to be justified. "Are there additional pluses here?" "Will this person fit the culture of this organization?" These as well as other questions will be heavily on the interviewer's mind. Find ways to demonstrate your qualities above and beyond just doing the job.
7. Expect to answer the question, "Tell me about yourself." This is a pet question of prepared and even unprepared interviewers. Everything you include should answer the question, "Why should we hire you?" Carefully prepare your answer to include examples of achievements from your work life that closely match the elements of the job before you. Obviously, you'll want to know as much about the job description as you can before you respond to the question.
8. Watch those nonverbal clues. Experts estimate that words express only 30% to 35% of what people actually communicate; facial expressions and body movements and actions convey the rest. Make and keep eye contact. Walk and sit with a confident air. Lean toward an interviewer to show interest and enthusiasm. Speak with a well-modulated voice that supports appropriate excitement for the opportunity before you.
9. Be smart about money questions. Don't fall into the trap of telling the interviewer your financial expectations. You may be asking for too little or too much money and in each case ruin your chances of being offered the job. Instead, ask what salary range the job falls in. Attempt to postpone a money discussion until you have a better understanding of the scope of responsibilities of the job.
10. Don't hang out your dirty laundry. Be careful not to bare your soul and tell tales that are inappropriate or beyond the scope of the interview. State your previous experience in the most positive terms. Even if you disagreed with a former employer, express your enthusiasm for earlier situations as much as you can. Whenever you speak negatively about another person or situation in which you were directly involved, you run the risk (early in the relationship) of appearing like a troubled person who may have difficulty working with others.
Go Through The Process
There are many different types of interviews designed to serve different purposes or situations. Regardless of the type of interview, most will incorporate the following stages: establishing rapport, exchanging information, and closing the interview. Pay attention to the job titles of the interviewer(s). This can help you decide how much technical detail to provide in your responses.
Establishing Rapport
This is a very important part of the interview because while establishing rapport, first impressions are made, and the tone of the interview is set. Some people suggest that the decision to hire is greatly influenced by the first five minutes of the interview. A good interviewer will introduce him/herself, and take the lead. Follow his or her lead - if they are chatty, be chatty; if they are formal, be formal. Some employers use what seems to be casual conversation to get to know you on a more personal level – this may be crucial to a hiring decision!
• Smile and maintain eye contact. This is one way of communicating confidence, even if you don't feel it.
• If the interviewer offers his or her hand, shake it firmly. If they don't, it is appropriate to offer yours.
• Wait until the interviewer sits or offers you a seat before sitting down.
• If the interviewer is making small talk, participate. Keep your answers short and positive.
Exchange of Information
This is the bulk of the interview. It is your opportunity to let the interviewer know what you have to offer, and your chance to learn more about the organization.
• When you answer a question, look the interviewer in the eye.
• Be aware of the interviewer's reactions. If he or she looks confused, ask if you can clarify anything.
• Be aware of what your body is saying. Avoid closed postures. Sit upright, but not stiffly.
• Try to find a comfortable position as that will make you feel more relaxed.
• Control your nervous habits. Don't swing your foot, talk with your hands (to an extreme), or fiddle with jewelers, buttons, pens, etc.
• Show that you are interested in the job by asking questions.
• Try not to appear bored or anxious. Don't look at your watch.
Closing the Interview
When the interviewer is done gathering the information that is needed, he or she will ask if you have anything to add, or if you have any questions. This is your opportunity to mentally review your inventory of skills and make sure that you have communicated everything that you wanted to. If any of your questions have not been addressed during the course of the interview, now is the time to ask them.
• Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration.
• Ask when you can expect to hear from him/her.
• If it is not known when a decision will be reached, ask if you can phone in a week's time to inquire about the progress.
• If the interviewer offers his/her hand, shake it firmly. Otherwise, it is fine to offer yours first.
• If not already discussed, you can offer to leave a sample of your work, or portfolio if you have one.
Let's say you are going for an interview tomorrow. You have prepared yourself well for the occasion - anticipating the questions and getting ready the answers - but have you given a thought to what you will wear?
If you have not peeked into your wardrobe yet, it's time to take a real hard look now. Your application's fate depends not just on how well you answer the interview questions, but also on how well you project yourself physically. The first impression your interviewer makes about you is based on the way you look, and you know what they say about first impressions. According to Joe Hodowanes, J.M. Wanes and Associates career strategy advisor, "The way a person dresses is the single biggest non-verbal communication you make about yourself." The right dressing is a measure of the seriousness that you place on the position, as a person normally spends time on his looks if he considers an event important enough.
"Although proper dressing by itself will not get you the job, a poor dress sense may exclude you from further consideration," warns Gerry Ditching, managing partner of Besides, given two equally good applicants, the company may choose to hire the person who is dressed more professionally. Here are some tips to give you a headstart.
Long-sleeved shirt and dark slacks. White is still the safest and the best color for shirts. The colour is also appropriate for our tropical weather. Also acceptable: pale shades such as beige, blue, and other pastels.
Tuck in the shirt and do not roll up the sleeves. Never wear a short-sleeved shirt to an interview or any business purpose. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt will destroy your executive image.
Ties. Optional. But if you do wear one, choose a conservative pattern. Solids, small polka dots, diagonal stripes, small repeating shapes, subtle plaids and paisleys are all acceptable.
Belts. Belts should match your shoes. Those with smaller buckles with squared lines look more professional.
Socks. Black socks are the best, followed by blue or gray, depending on your attire. Never wear white socks! Check your sock length, too--no skin should show when you sit down or cross your legs. Shoes. Black or burgundy leather shoes with laces on them, because tassel loafers are very casual. Other suitable colors are brown, cordovan and navy.
Hair. Keep neat, short and preferably parted on the side. And shave off all those facial hair.
Jewellery. Wear no or little jewellery. The watch and wedding ring are the only acceptable pieces of jewellery to go with the male attire. Thin gold or leather-strapped watches look professional but not digital watches. Also, avoid political or religious insignias, necklaces or bracelets. Definitely no pierced body parts, and cover up your tattoos!
Accessories. As much as possible, use leather briefcases or folders to hold copies of your resume. Use narrow briefcases and avoid plastic folders and plastic ball pens as they are out of place.
Three-piece business suits, blouse and skirt or slacks, and cardigan twin-sets. Sleeveless shirts should be rejected. Short-sleeved blouses are okay when they are tailor-cut or have features such as a sports collar or double breast design to create a business-like look. Skirts can either be long provided it does not create a Cinderella or barn-dance look or short where it falls no shorter than two inches from the knee. Nothing too revealing, please!
Panty-hose or stockings. A must for professional grooming, but nothing with overly fussy patterns. Bring an extra pair, just in case the ones you are wearing run.
Shoes. Closed shoes or pumps with at least 1½-inch heels suggest a more professional look. Dark colors are best.
Hair. Hair longer than shoulder length should be worn up or pulled back. Don't let it fall in front of your face and don't keep trying to fix it during the interview. Avoid large hair ornaments and trendy hairstyles.
Make-up. Be subtle; natural is the key word. Light shades of lip coloring and nail polish are recommended.
Jewellery. Be conservative. Studs of gold, silver or pearls are best. Do away with gaudy fashion jewelers, and those that clank and make noise when one moves.
Accessories. Folders and bags should blend well with the total professional look. Women should match their purse with their shoe colour.

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Airtel Hack for free internet

these are all the tricks available !!
working too!

It cannot go beyond this!!

This write up will explain to you how to speed up your Airtel Broadband
connection / solve other problems regarding connection failures due to closed

Although I use Airtel and a Beetel 220 BX modem as my basis for this write up,
the same rules can be applied to others as well. So lets get started. First
thing make sure your DSL modem is on. Fire up your browser. Type as the address with the following Username/Password -
Username : admin Password : password Note : These are case sensitive. Make sure
all are typed in lowercase. Click on Advanced Setup -> NAT in the page that
loads. If you do not see these options try entering
as the address. Some routers/modems deliberately try to prevent users from
accessing these options. On the NAT virtual servers page click the add button.
Now add the port number that you wish to open up. You can even open up a range
of ports using the add button. You should see something similar to the
screenshot below. Click it to view full image

This technique can be used for any operating system / modem / service provider.
It may vary slightly but the essential principle remains the same.

You need a PC or a Laptop and the required connectivity tools ,ie.,
Serial/USB cable OR Infrared Device OR Bluetooth dongle

1) Activate Airtel Live! ( It’s FREE so no probs)

2) Create TWO Airtel gprs data accounts (yep TWO) and select the
FIRST as the active profile.

3) Connect your mobile to the PC (or Laptop) and install the driver for
your mobile’s modem.

4) Create a new dial-up connection using the NEW CONNECTION
WIZARD as follows

Connecting Device : Your mobile’s modem
ISP Name : Airtel (or anything you like)
Phone Number : *99***2# / Try 99***1
Username and Password : blank

5) Configure your browser and download manager to use the proxy and port 8080.( My advice is to use Opera since you
can browse both wap and regular websites)

6) Connect to the dial-up account. You will be connected at 115.2
kbps (but remember, that is a bad joke).

7) Pick up your mobile and try to access any site. You will get “Access
Denied…”(except for Airtel Live!). IT DOES NOT MATTER.
Keep the mobile down.

8 ) On the PC ( or Laptop) open your browser, enter any address ,
press ENTER and…….WAIT

9) After a few seconds the page will start to load and you have the
WHOLE internet at your disposal.




USERNAME : blank

PASSWORD : blank








INTERNET MODE : HTTP or WAP (both worked for me)



PORT : 8080



No Risk Here, Try it and Enjoy


1st go to settings menu then to connectivity tab now choose the option Data
comm. then "DATA ACCOUNTS" go to new account now the settings r as follows
usr name: (blank)
password: (blank)

now save it
go to Internet Setting in connectivity here choose intrnet profile--go to new
profile setting are as below
CONNECT USING:A1(which was created in data comm.)
save it
now u would be able to see it now selest it and take "more" option then select
setting here in use proxy option it will be selected no if it is no then change
it into yes
now go to proxy adress and give the adress as and then the port number as 8080
Usr name:
now save all the settings u made . come back 2 connectivity
choose streaming settings now in connect using option choose a1 that we created
leave the use proxy option as no itself
now access airtellive! from ur activated SE phone goto VIDEO GALLERY OR VIDEO
UNLIMITED(varies according to states) choose live streaming then choose CNBC OR
AAJTAK WHILE CONNECTING TO MEDIA SERVER cancel AFTER 9 or 10 sec then type any
web adress if it shows access denied then once again select CNBC and wait for a
few more sec than before if its fully connected also no prob its free then
cancel it or if ur connected then stop it and the internet is ready to take of


For All Airtel Users

1. Airtel live (available 4 free)
2. Nokia series60 handset eg 6600,6630,n series,7610,6670 etc
3. Opera wap browser 4 mobile

1. Go to ur connection settings and make a new internet profile using the
default settings of airtel live. name that new profile as nething(for eg
masala); change the home page of that profile to nething u like for eg

2. Go to ur Opera browser and set the default connection as AIRTEL LIVE. this is
the original settings u received thru airtel.

3. Go to the services(in n6600) and Web(N6630) and change the default profile
for connection as masala (newer one).

**Note: always make sure that ur access point is


1. Open Opera and u will see that homepage of Airtel Live is opened. Minimize
the application.

2. Now open web using the duplicate Profile and u will see that two gprs
connections will work simultaneously and at the web or the services page it will
show "Unable to connect" or any error. well thats the signal of ur success.

3. Simply go on the Opera with web on and open any site u want for free. No
Charges No nothing.

U can also use it through ur computer..........

someone said dis too

The main principle behind this is we hav 2 fool the bsnl techies 2 activate
portal and thus get gprs activated / get "G" signal on ur cell as bsnl portal
( needs "gprs signal on ur cel (whether gprs is formaly
activated/registerd or not (by my method )i dont know)

---THAT portal is message based , so go to cellone icon in menu and use that sms
based portal (what the f**k)
---THAT portal service will be activated when u will activate gprs by filling up
form and registering at nearest CCN!!
---THAT ur handset has some problems (if u say that "G" signal is not present)

GPRS ACTIVATED) this is also free both on post and pre!!
9400024365, THE NO OF CC!!
(((((((AND SOME OF THE CC'S SAY they cant give such sensitive information that
where they r located, as if thay have a 3 rd world of their own! and the other
dumbs said that they r in chandigarh!!!!)))))

I WOULD ADVISE ALL FIRST, 2 call them once 2 get the settings!!
(most of the times that is incorect but gives u an idea of settings in ur area))

Try and in ur 1 st call only,
talk roughly and tell them u r calling 10-20th time just for settings and is
that their service!!!
5) Now when u get them save them AND plz post them here!!!
and in the end bombard them abt the status of all those complaints !!
b4 registering ur complaint they will hesitate much and always say taht they
will b sendin new settings which r accurate! but dont belive them and just
register complaints!!
6)AFTER THAT, u have 2 only wait until "G" signal is there on ur screen!!

LOOK, WHAT I HAVE WRIITEN ABV IS METHOD by which i got activated my "G" service
!!! without fillin any form or such and without any money drain!!
may be since it bypasses the formal way of registeration, that is why this trick
is working !!!!!!!!!!!!

U may also Try this

first open ur msg window and type LIVE and send it to 2567 so that after 5 min u
get the setting of Airtel Live or if u have already no need for this procedure.
now then open that setting and copy all the settings from it and create one
access point manually which has all the settings like Airtel Live has.
now only one change will be there and it would be in access point name which is
"" instead of originally "".
ok u've done it just active that setting and access free airtel gprs on ur

Another Trick

You need a PC or a Laptop and the required connectivity tools ,ie.,
Serial/USB cable OR Infrared Device OR Bluetooth dongle

1) Activate Airtel Live! ( It’s FREE so no probs)

2) Create TWO Airtel gprs data accounts (yep TWO) and select the
FIRST as the active profile.

3) Connect your mobile to the PC (or Laptop) and install the driver for
your mobile’s modem.

4) Create a new dial-up connection using the NEW CONNECTION
WIZARD as follows

Connecting Device : Your mobile’s modem
ISP Name : Airtel (or anything you like)
Phone Number : *99***2#
Username and Password : blank

5) Configure your browser and download manager to use the proxy and port 8080.( My advice is to use Opera since you
can browse both wap and regular websites)

6) Connect to the dial-up account. You will be connected at 115.2
kbps (but remember, that is a bad joke).

7) Pick up your mobile and try to access any site. You will get “Access
Denied…”(except for Airtel Live!). IT DOES NOT MATTER.
Keep the mobile down.

8 ) On the PC ( or Laptop) open your browser, enter any address ,
press ENTER and…….WAIT

9) After a few seconds the page will start to load

main thing is the advance initialization command.

a recent comment says dat

Guys i tried and its working, I'm using airtel chennai,..the Method TWO worked,
also i request everyone to change the Phone number from *99***2 to *99***1 and
its working,.. it'll get connected at 462.8kbps but its the speed between the
phone and your computer but actual BAndwidth is 42kbps

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Started ByThread SubjectRepliesLast Post
softycreamAirtel hack for broadband speed and a Beetel 220 BX modem. 0May
19 2008, 11:44 PM EDT by softycream
Thread started: May 19 2008, 11:44 PM EDT Watch
Hi Rahul,
I am a frequent visitor of your site and I have gained a lot from here, I
have attempted the Airtel hack for broadband speed although I don't know
much about it however I configured my Beetel 220 BX modem as exactly u
sad, but It did not worked for me, please give little more description.
What can I do to Increase download speed access speed thanks.
4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?
Keyword tags: Airtel Hack for free internet
Post reply
AnonymousHelp!! (page: 1 2) 36May 3 2008, 10:16 AM EDT by ankitfadia.1902
Thread started: Apr 11 2007, 2:30 AM EDT Watch
Hey Dude I appriciate u for this gr8 stuff..I have many airtel hackin
stuff like free messages n free callin after 12 am.Free Recharge when
system is under upgradation(it really works But the process is new)I think
we Should share this data so tht we all can save money n walk gr8.So I ve
Searched this but this GPRS free service is bit possible!!!
All ppl try to put on thr successfull solutions but an idiot will reply if
he got success so however ppl try jus to make a publicity out of it.Well
if it works so i ll be needin u r help Mr.U can surely contact me on ll surely be in profit wit exchange on data s
!!!!!!!!!Enjoy Ppl- Master'o TorseN
20 out of 22 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?
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RE: Help!!
By: ankitfadia.1902, May 3 2008, 10:16 AM EDT
plz tell me how can i get recharge codes or send free message
0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?

Anonymousfree recharge or calling or sending sms 3May 3 2008, 10:11 AM EDT
by ankitfadia.1902
Thread started: May 19 2007, 4:52 PM EDT Watch
dear rahul will u plz help me to knw how we can rechare our cell free of
cost and send a mess or doing calls for free,kindly mail me on my id
thnxs a lot
16 out of 16 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?
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RE: free recharge or calling or sending sms
By: ankitfadia.1902, May 3 2008, 10:11 AM EDT
"dear rahul will u plz help me to knw how we can rechare our cell
free of cost and send a mess or doing calls for free,kindly mail
me on my id

thnxs a lot"dear rahul will u plz help me to knw how we can rechare
our cell free of cost and send a mess or doing calls for free,kindly
mail me on my id

thnxs a lot
4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?

AnonymousHutch Hacking 4Apr 9 2008, 4:23 PM EDT by paaboagye
Thread started: Jun 5 2007, 12:22 PM EDT Watch
Rahul are u having some hacking stuff for hutch connection ..

plz tell
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RE: Free internet through airtel live
By: paaboagye, Apr 9 2008, 4:23 PM EDT
can this be done for other mobile carriers like MTN in ghana wud
appreciate it
2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you find this valuable? Do you?

Anonymousfree gprs,call,recharging 4Apr 5 2008, 1:36 PM EDT by
Thread started: May 1 2007, 12:17 PM EDT Watch
i want 2 knw abt these plz reply on sms/email my no; 09895196001 emailid;
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RE: free gprs,call,recharging
By: ravi_arya2006, Apr 5 2008, 1:36 PM EDT
yaar agar tumhe pata ho to mujhe bhi batana yaar main abhi naya
member hoon aur search karta hoon to sirf thanks aur questions se
related topic hi milte hai solution to milta hi nahi plz help me
yaar my id id ""
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Airtel hack for broadband speed and a Beetel 220 BX modem.Dear its not
usefullhey rahul
hi raulto knowto know.......
wat is airtel live

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Networking concepts

Networking concepts

1. What are the two types of transmission technology available?
(i) Broadcast and (ii) point-to-point

2. What is subnet?
A generic term for section of a large networks usually separated by a bridge or router.

3. Difference between the communication and transmission.
Transmission is a physical movement of information and concern issues like bit polarity, synchronisation, clock etc.
Communication means the meaning full exchange of information between two communication media.

4. What are the possible ways of data exchange?
(i) Simplex (ii) Half-duplex (iii) Full-duplex.

5. What is SAP?
Series of interface points that allow other computers to communicate with the other layers of network protocol stack.

6. What do you meant by "triple X" in Networks?
The function of PAD (Packet Assembler Disassembler) is described in a document known as X.3. The standard protocol has been defined between the terminal and the PAD, called X.28; another standard protocol exists between hte PAD and the network, called X.29. Together, these three recommendations are often called "triple X"

7. What is frame relay, in which layer it comes?
Frame relay is a packet switching technology. It will operate in the data link layer.

8. What is terminal emulation, in which layer it comes?
Telnet is also called as terminal emulation. It belongs to application layer.

9. What is Beaconing?
The process that allows a network to self-repair networks problems. The stations on the network notify the other stations on the ring when they are not receiving the transmissions. Beaconing is used in Token ring and FDDI networks.

10. What is redirector?
Redirector is software that intercepts file or prints I/O requests and translates them into network requests. This comes under presentation layer.

11. What is NETBIOS and NETBEUI?
NETBIOS is a programming interface that allows I/O requests to be sent to and received from a remote computer and it hides the networking hardware from applications.
NETBEUI is NetBIOS extended user interface. A transport protocol designed by microsoft and IBM for the use on small subnets.

12. What is RAID?
A method for providing fault tolerance by using multiple hard disk drives.

13. What is passive topology?
When the computers on the network simply listen and receive the signal, they are referred to as passive because they don’t amplify the signal in any way. Example for passive topology - linear bus.

14. What is Brouter?
Hybrid devices that combine the features of both bridges and routers.

15. What is cladding?
A layer of a glass surrounding the center fiber of glass inside a fiber-optic cable.

16. What is point-to-point protocol
A communications protocol used to connect computers to remote networking services including Internet service providers.

17. How Gateway is different from Routers?
A gateway operates at the upper levels of the OSI model and translates information between two completely different network architectures or data formats

18. What is attenuation?
The degeneration of a signal over distance on a network cable is called attenuation.

19. What is MAC address?
The address for a device as it is identified at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer in the network architecture. MAC address is usually stored in ROM on the network adapter card and is unique.

20. Difference between bit rate and baud rate.
Bit rate is the number of bits transmitted during one second whereas baud rate refers to the number of signal units per second that are required to represent those bits.
baud rate = bit rate / N
where N is no-of-bits represented by each signal shift.

21. What is Bandwidth?
Every line has an upper limit and a lower limit on the frequency of signals it can carry. This limited range is called the bandwidth.

22. What are the types of Transmission media?
Signals are usually transmitted over some transmission media that are broadly classified in to two categories.
a) Guided Media:
These are those that provide a conduit from one device to another that include twisted-pair, coaxial cable and fiber-optic cable. A signal traveling along any of these media is directed and is contained by the physical limits of the medium. Twisted-pair and coaxial cable use metallic that accept and transport signals in the form of electrical current. Optical fiber is a glass or plastic cable that accepts and transports signals in the form of light.
b) Unguided Media:
This is the wireless media that transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical conductor. Signals are broadcast either through air. This is done through radio communication, satellite communication and cellular telephony.

23. What is Project 802?
It is a project started by IEEE to set standards to enable intercommunication between equipment from a variety of manufacturers. It is a way for specifying functions of the physical layer, the data link layer and to some extent the network layer to allow for interconnectivity of major LAN
It consists of the following:
 802.1 is an internetworking standard for compatibility of different LANs and MANs across protocols.
 802.2 Logical link control (LLC) is the upper sublayer of the data link layer which is non-architecture-specific, that is remains the same for all IEEE-defined LANs.
 Media access control (MAC) is the lower sublayer of the data link layer that contains some distinct modules each carrying proprietary information specific to the LAN product being used. The modules are Ethernet LAN (802.3), Token ring LAN (802.4), Token bus LAN (802.5).
 802.6 is distributed queue dual bus (DQDB) designed to be used in MANs.

24. What is Protocol Data Unit?
The data unit in the LLC level is called the protocol data unit (PDU). The PDU contains of four fields a destination service access point (DSAP), a source service access point (SSAP), a control field and an information field. DSAP, SSAP are addresses used by the LLC to identify the protocol stacks on the receiving and sending machines that are generating and using the data. The control field specifies whether the PDU frame is a information frame (I - frame) or a supervisory frame (S - frame) or a unnumbered frame (U - frame).

25. What are the different type of networking / internetworking devices?
Also called a regenerator, it is an electronic device that operates only at physical layer. It receives the signal in the network before it becomes weak, regenerates the original bit pattern and puts the refreshed copy back in to the link.
These operate both in the physical and data link layers of LANs of same type. They divide a larger network in to smaller segments. They contain logic that allow them to keep the traffic for each segment separate and thus are repeaters that relay a frame only the side of the segment containing the intended recipent and control congestion.
They relay packets among multiple interconnected networks (i.e. LANs of different type). They operate in the physical, data link and network layers. They contain software that enable them to determine which of the several possible paths is the best for a particular transmission.
They relay packets among networks that have different protocols (e.g. between a LAN and a WAN). They accept a packet formatted for one protocol and convert it to a packet formatted for another protocol before forwarding it. They operate in all seven layers of the OSI model.

26. What is ICMP?
ICMP is Internet Control Message Protocol, a network layer protocol of the TCP/IP suite used by hosts and gateways to send notification of datagram problems back to the sender. It uses the echo test / reply to test whether a destination is reachable and responding. It also handles both control and error messages.

27. What are the data units at different layers of the TCP / IP protocol suite?
The data unit created at the application layer is called a message, at the transport layer the data unit created is called either a segment or an user datagram, at the network layer the data unit created is called the datagram, at the data link layer the datagram is encapsulated in to a frame and finally transmitted as signals along the transmission media.

28. What is difference between ARP and RARP?
The address resolution protocol (ARP) is used to associate the 32 bit IP address with the 48 bit physical address, used by a host or a router to find the physical address of another host on its network by sending a ARP query packet that includes the IP address of the receiver.
The reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) allows a host to discover its Internet address when it knows only its physical address.

29. What is the minimum and maximum length of the header in the TCP segment and IP datagram?
The header should have a minimum length of 20 bytes and can have a maximum length of 60 bytes.

30. What is the range of addresses in the classes of internet addresses?
Class A -
Class B -
Class C -
Class D -
Class E -

31. What is the difference between TFTP and FTP application layer protocols?
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) allows a local host to obtain files from a remote host but does not provide reliability or security. It uses the fundamental packet delivery services offered by UDP.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard mechanism provided by TCP / IP for copying a file from one host to another. It uses the services offer by TCP and so is reliable and secure. It establishes two connections (virtual circuits) between the hosts, one for data transfer and another for control information.

32. What are major types of networks and explain?
 Server-based network
 Peer-to-peer network
Peer-to-peer network, computers can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources.
Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration

33. What are the important topologies for networks?
 BUS topology:
In this each computer is directly connected to primary network cable in a single line.
Inexpensive, easy to install, simple to understand, easy to extend.

 STAR topology:
In this all computers are connected using a central hub.
Can be inexpensive, easy to install and reconfigure and easy to trouble shoot physical problems.

 RING topology:
In this all computers are connected in loop.
All computers have equal access to network media, installation can be simple, and signal does not degrade as much as in other topologies because each computer regenerates it.

34. What is mesh network?
A network in which there are multiple network links between computers to provide multiple paths for data to travel.

35. What is difference between baseband and broadband transmission?
In a baseband transmission, the entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a single signal. In broadband transmission, signals are sent on multiple frequencies, allowing multiple signals to be sent simultaneously.

36. Explain 5-4-3 rule?
In a Ethernet network, between any two points on the network ,there can be no more than five network segments or four repeaters, and of those five segments only three of segments can be populated.

37. What MAU?
In token Ring , hub is called Multistation Access Unit(MAU).

38. What is the difference between routable and non- routable protocols?
Routable protocols can work with a router and can be used to build large networks. Non-Routable protocols are designed to work on small, local networks and cannot be used with a router

39. Why should you care about the OSI Reference Model?
It provides a framework for discussing network operations and design.

40. What is logical link control?
One of two sublayers of the data link layer of OSI reference model, as defined by the IEEE 802 standard. This sublayer is responsible for maintaining the link between computers when they are sending data across the physical network connection.

41. What is virtual channel?
Virtual channel is normally a connection from one source to one destination, although multicast connections are also permitted. The other name for virtual channel is virtual circuit.

42. What is virtual path?
Along any transmission path from a given source to a given destination, a group of virtual circuits can be grouped together into what is called path.

43. What is packet filter?
Packet filter is a standard router equipped with some extra functionality. The extra functionality allows every incoming or outgoing packet to be inspected. Packets meeting some criterion are forwarded normally. Those that fail the test are dropped.

44. What is traffic shaping?
One of the main causes of congestion is that traffic is often busy. If hosts could be made to transmit at a uniform rate, congestion would be less common. Another open loop method to help manage congestion is forcing the packet to be transmitted at a more predictable rate. This is called traffic shaping.

45. What is multicast routing?
Sending a message to a group is called multicasting, and its routing algorithm is called multicast routing.

46. What is region?
When hierarchical routing is used, the routers are divided into what we will call regions, with each router knowing all the details about how to route packets to destinations within its own region, but knowing nothing about the internal structure of other regions.

47. What is silly window syndrome?
It is a problem that can ruin TCP performance. This problem occurs when data are passed to the sending TCP entity in large blocks, but an interactive application on the receiving side reads 1 byte at a time.

48. What are Digrams and Trigrams?
The most common two letter combinations are called as digrams. e.g. th, in, er, re and an. The most common three letter combinations are called as trigrams. e.g. the, ing, and, and ion.

49. Expand IDEA.
IDEA stands for International Data Encryption Algorithm.

50. What is wide-mouth frog?
Wide-mouth frog is the simplest known key distribution center (KDC) authentication protocol.

51. What is Mail Gateway?
It is a system that performs a protocol translation between different electronic mail delivery protocols.

52. What is IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)?
It is any routing protocol used within an autonomous system.

53. What is EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)?
It is the protocol the routers in neighboring autonomous systems use to identify the set of networks that can be reached within or via each autonomous system.

54. What is autonomous system?
It is a collection of routers under the control of a single administrative authority and that uses a common Interior Gateway Protocol.

55. What is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)?
It is a protocol used to advertise the set of networks that can be reached with in an autonomous system. BGP enables this information to be shared with the autonomous system. This is newer than EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol).

56. What is Gateway-to-Gateway protocol?
It is a protocol formerly used to exchange routing information between Internet core routers.

57. What is NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)?
It is a set of rules defining a very simple virtual terminal interaction. The NVT is used in the start of a Telnet session.

58. What is a Multi-homed Host?
It is a host that has a multiple network interfaces and that requires multiple IP addresses is called as a Multi-homed Host.

59. What is Kerberos?
It is an authentication service developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kerberos uses encryption to prevent intruders from discovering passwords and gaining unauthorized access to files.

60. What is OSPF?
It is an Internet routing protocol that scales well, can route traffic along multiple paths, and uses knowledge of an Internet's topology to make accurate routing decisions.

61. What is Proxy ARP?
It is using a router to answer ARP requests. This will be done when the originating host believes that a destination is local, when in fact is lies beyond router.

62. What is SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol)?
It is a very simple protocol used for transmission of IP datagrams across a serial line.

63. What is RIP (Routing Information Protocol)?
It is a simple protocol used to exchange information between the routers.

64. What is source route?
It is a sequence of IP addresses identifying the route a datagram must follow. A source route may optionally be included in an IP datagram header.

See Top Interview Questions for your Job


ANSWER : irritational behaviour is nothing but a mild mental
disorder which someone gets into when he doesn't get
something in the way he wants it to be.

ANS 2: Irritational behaviour is a kind of feedback.


Ans Teamwork is a concept where people work together
effectively to achieve acommon target.Projects often
require that people should work together to accompolish a
common goal, so teawork is an important factor for the
success.A team understands the qualities and abilites of
each of the team member and each member is encouraged to
participate and give his contribution in the team.There are
some teamwork skills necessary to work in a team.First of
all, team members should have listening skills so that they
could listen to other member's ideas . Also it is important
to share in a team to create an environment of teamwork.The
members should be respecting so that they treat ideas of
othermembers with respect and support.There should be
communicaton in a team to work effectively. The members
must use effective communication channels like e-mails
discussions group meetings. It will enable a team to work
properly and to achieve it's goal

QUESTION 3: What is your daily routine?

ANS : Iwake up at 6:30AM.
I am going to tution at 7AM.
Iam Coming from to tution at 8AM

ANS : I usually get up at 9o'clock.I get fresh.I have a big
breakfast as I never have lunch.I get ready for the
office.I leave home at 11 o'clock.I walk to my pickup
point . It takes about half an hour to reach the pickup
point. I get the cab. I reach office.My training starts at
2 o'clock and ends at 6o'clock.I get home at 8.I fresh
myself and have tea and snacks.I always get tired when I
get home as I never have lunch.I have dinner at 9.I don't
usually go out.I do grammar exercises and listen to music.
After that I go to sleep.And I always sleep well.

Q What do you think people born smart or they become smart after spanding time in this world?

JUST DO IT......


ANS : i conSider myself successful person because after
graduation i got job after 6 months i promoted after 1 year
i again promoted everything is going on my way,now i want
to join convergys may be i get this job and if not i will
keep trying..and i will serve my services to convergys also.

ANS2 i consider myself as a successful person as i have
succeeded every challenges in my life and my inspiration
comes within me and others who has also been the reflection
of my success


Ans we get black color.

Q how to sell a mobile phone if the interviewer asks

ANS get the study for ur mobile.give the important or need of
mobile.inform function that r presnt in ur mobile.interact
people softly with sweet smile in it.

Q What did you do yesterday
yesterday i was very busy with my shedule after that i
spend some of my time playing computer games.

Q How can you handle stress or pressure?

ANS you can say the answer as....I am a balanced person.I wont
get excited when i succeed or dont get depressed when I am
a failure..In this way i can handle both stress or pressure

i like challengesm if any pressure or stress put on me i
glad to accept it and i will do my best to solve it with my
all suitable skill set.

I can handle any stress or pressure by completing my job
step by step peacefully in my workplace. normally, I wud
like to go for meditation which can make me capable of
handling any kind of pressure.

i think the most suitable answer for this que. would
be .......

well witout any pressure or responsiblity u cant put ur
100% effort to complete ur task successfully ..n i love to
work under pressure.....

QUESTION tell me something about your happiest moment

ans The most happiest momenet i stil reckon when i came back
from the first day of my school, i was so excited and happy
to attend my classes and meet with new friends. when i
return back to my home. i saw my dad were waiting for me
with a glass of juice and that moment made me feel so
special so i enjoyed alot and felt the most happiest moment

My happiest moment was when I gave birth to my son. After
nine long months of waiting to meet him, at last that day
came. I was just so happy, and its unexplainable!

It means when we get the desired one in our life ,dat is d
most happiest moment

Q wat would u like change in India
first of all political leaders should be changed because all
the activities are under their control and they cant able to
handle all these activities only because they think about
their own earning not about others sanitation.

i will bring strict rules and regulations.i will remove the
rulling party and opposition party i will get the new
parties i will get a great change in politics who cares
about the people and solve their problems and take care
about the populaiton, good health , roads , first i will
solve the traffic a days we can see many
parties coming they all are waste cause they are having
money they are coming in the politics.they wont realy come
to helping the people solving the problems and taking right
decision once if they get the seat they just think about
earning money and take care of their seat to rule further
more years.

MY 1st DAy on here

HI this is Mahesh this is my 1st day on blog.
I'm A IT Teacher..............